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NSW must boost to 100m the fines it can impose on casinos

21 June 2022

The NSW Government must move urgently to increase the pitiful maximum $1 million fine the regulator can fine casino operators in the wake of the ‘bitterly disappointing’ decision by the regulator to give Crown approval to open its gaming operations.

The Chief Advocate of the Alliance for Gambling Reform, Tim Costello, said no other business would be given a second chance like Crown has and the regulator’s decision was disappointing and damaging.

“We can only hope they mean what they say about regulating Crown to ensure the damage they have caused from Melbourne to Perth is not again replicated in Sydney,” he said. “The Royal Commission into Crown found evidence of money laundering, fraud and other behaviour that enabled organised crime. We must hope this will not now be replicated in its Sydney operations although we have no reason to be hopeful.”

Rev. Costello said the decision to grant Crown approval for its gaming operations in Sydney meant it was more important than ever that NSW move urgently to match Victoria and West Australia in increasing the maximum fine the regulator can impose on a casino to $100m.

Crown Casino was recently fined a record $80 million in Victoria for a scheme that allowed the illegal transfer of funds from China that was exposed by the Royal Commission.

“NSW does not have the same protection. It has not given its regulator the same teeth to be able to protect the community from such organised-crime-enabling behaviour. Given today’s decision on Crown, such a move to increase the maximum penalty to $100m is more important than ever,” Rev. Costello said.

Media contact: Martin Thomas – 0477 340 704

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