Online gambling markets - global 2021

The NSW SouthWest Sydney Primary Health Network created a number of posters and flyers explaining gambling harm. These are made available free for use, but please acknowledge the PHN if you do use them.
Understanding culturally appropriate ways to discuss gambling harm, from the ANU Centre for Gambling Research
Poker Machine Losses in five states

Associate Professor Charles Livingstone PhD.
Gambling & Social Determinants Unit
School of Public Health & Preventive Medicine
Monash University.
The Embrace Project
Embrace Multicultural Mental Health (the Embrace Project) is run by Mental Health Australia and provides a national focus on mental health and suicide prevention for people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds.
It provides a national platform for Australian mental health services and multicultural communities to access resources, services and information in a culturally accessible format. Please click here to go to their website.
Embrace Multicultural Mental Health have developed a range of resources to help community leaders recognise if someone may need to seek help for their mental health. Please click here to view information for community leaders and translated materials.
Australia has a range of mental health services to meet the needs of multicultural communities. Please click here for details on the available mental health services.
Beyond Blue has created a series of resources in a range of languages to help people in Australia understand how to find support and feel comfortable talking about their experiences. Please click here to go to their website.
Lifeline has recently launched a ‘SMS’ texting service to provide confidential one-to-one crisis support. Sometimes it can be difficult to talk to someone when you need help, to learn more about Lifeline’s texting service, please click here.
Check out this awesome animation by the VLGA about how to beat a poker machines application in your community!
My Community Life
This is a free online marketing website for not for profit community groups, clubs and organisations to list their details, events, activities and volunteer opportunities within the City of Kingston. This provides a resource for residents to find out how they can be involved in community life in the City of Kingston. It’s a Council owned and administered site however the content is user generated with all groups creating their own listings. We have over 450 groups with profiles and an average of 160 events and 80 volunteering roles listed.
The Australian Government’s digital mental health gateway, Head to Health (www.headtohealth.gov.au).
Young Australians needing support can access free services through Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800), their local headspace or online through eheadspace (https://headspace.org.au/eheadspace/).
Listing of useful websites, including links to key sections of the VCGLR site
Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation: Gambling Information Resource Office